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10 Changes That Would Make The World Better Immediately

Yes, that’s right, I’m going to share with you all my wish list for a better world. The ten changes I think would make the world better. Before I start, though, I want to be clear about one thing. This article is based on my opinions and nothing more. If you’re looking for a well-thought-out and reasoned argument, you won’t find it. I will explain why I think each point would make the world better, but I’m not trying to win a debate.

On that topic, I have absolutely no intention of arguing my point of view with anyone. I have decided after careful consideration to leave the comment section open. Feel free to explain why you agree or disagree with what I’ve said. However, everyone must keep it respectful. I will shut it down if you can’t use your words and the comments descend into name-calling, trolling, and hate speech. Clear? Good!

1) World Peace

The horrific situation in Ukraine at the moment has brought home to me that war is not a thing of the past or something that happens far away from me. Ukraine is in Europe, and until the Brexit insanity, so were we Brits. It’s made worse by the fact I cannot figure for the life of me what the hell Putin wants from Ukraine. It’s deeply unsettling.

So as Grace Hart/Gracie Lou Freebush says at the end of Miss Congeniality, I really do want world peace!

2) An End To ALL Types Of Prejudice

You all know I am a staunch supporter of body liberation and fight passionately for an end to all types of fatphobia. However, the heart of body liberty is that it gives people total autonomy over their bodies, freedom to be whoever they want to be. I can’t believe we still live in a world of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, non-gender conformity, reproductive rights problems, religious intolerance, etc.

I want everybody to be who they want to be without any fear whatsoever. I want people to learn to mind their own business and keep their hateful thoughts to themselves. None of the elements I listed above affect anyone else, so WHY judge or hate people for it?

3) An End To Organised Religion

I am an atheist, but I have no problem with anyone else who does believe. Other people’s beliefs are their business, and I’m happy to butt out. However, organised religion comes under the heading “causes more trouble than it’s worth.” The wars, stonings, other violence and hatred perpetrated under the banner of religion makes it indefensible. I appreciate not all people or all religions, but it’s a big enough problem for me to want to be rid of the whole thing. 

Don’t believe me? What about:

The Crusades

The Troubles in Northern Ireland

Honour Killings in India, Pakistan and other countries



They are just some of the more famous ones. Google religious wars, it’s horrifying.

Photo by Pixabay on

4) Universal Basic Income For All

As automation continues, more and more job losses will occur. As far as I’m concerned, the solution is that governments close the tax loopholes and institute higher taxes for all corporations, especially huge ones like Apple, Amazon and Google. This money, as well as the money spent on benefits, should be diverted to pay every single citizen over 18 a universal basic income

It wouldn’t necessarily be enough for everyone to live on, but each person could decide how many hours they need to work to top this payment up to the level they want. Working full time would be rare, which allows all people to be employed. Everyone would also have more free time to develop themselves, spend time with family, exercise or anything else they want to do. How could this not make the world better?

5) A Ban Of All Blood Sports And Harsh Penalties For LawBreakers

Anything that make animal welfare a high priority will make the world better as far as i’m concerned. Fox hunting, bullfights, dog fights, cock fights, and anything else that causes pain or suffering to an animal. Anyone who considers watching a living creature in pain entertainment is a psychopath and deserves to be punished. A minimum of a five-year prison sentence and a lifelong ban on owning animals works for me. 

Sadly, a man drove drunk, with no licence, doing 47mph in a 20mph zone, struck and killed a 10-year-old girl just around the corner from my home. He then ran away from the scene and left her dying in the road. He got a pathetic seven years and four months in jail, so I doubt in the UK at least, that fair sentences will ever happen.

6) Requiring A Licence To Own A Pet

I love animals. Sometimes I think I love them more than I love people. Without a doubt, animals make the world a better place. Sadly, far too many people get an animal as a pet on a whim. They think it’ll be fun, or a nice present for their child/spouse/parent etc. Pets can be wonderful, an absolute godsend to some people. However, too many people think only of what they want from a pet and not what it needs from them. My sister adopted a cat whose owners moved house and deliberately left her behind. Who does that!?! 

Requiring a licence, preferably one you have to pay for, screens out the people who are not prepared for animal ownership. A test to check whether they understand basic animal care is a great idea too. 

I am adamant that there should be a worldwide registry for anyone who has been convicted of animal cruelty to ensure they are never allowed to own a pet again. They should also get harsh prison sentences or be required to do a lot of free labour.

Ways to make the world better
Photo by Helena Lopes on

7) Self Driving Cars

I’m aware many people fear self-driving cars and dislike the loss of control. However, I’d still place my trust in machines rather than humans. Machines don’t get tired, or distracted, or surf dating sites for 3 hours while driving an HGV. Machines also have quicker reaction times. Once this technology is perfected, I think it will save a lot of lies.

8) The Ban Of The Production, Sale and Eating Of Tripe

I admit I’ve never eaten it, but it looks vile! One of the few foods that turn my stomach. I can’t imagine how it could not make the world better to get rid of it.

9) The Return Of Firefly and The Santa Clarita Diet

These shows were both struck down in their prime, and they were fabulous! So many shows get 5+ seasons and are mediocre after season 2 or 3. The Walking Dead, I’m looking at you! It’s a real shame that these shows were cancelled when they were still very high quality. Damn you, Fox and Netflix!

10) A Comfortable Bra

There’s no more to be said here.

What Are You Changes That Would Make The World Better?

I’ve explained mine, and I would love to hear yours too. As I said at the start, though, keep it respectful!