woman in black and multicolored love print hoodie
Body Liberation

Fat People Don’t Have The Monopoly On Body Insecurity But Thin Folks Don’t Have It On Self Love Either

Let’s talk about self-love and body insecurity. I talk a lot about body liberation and trying to see yourself as more than just a body. I passionately defend the rights of fat people to be left alone and not abused due to their size. However, I also defend the rights of thinner people to have parts of their bodies they are insecure about. Yes, their bodies are seen as socially acceptable and attractive, but society’s obsession with thinness and unattainable body types affects everyone. Everybody is happy with that part; they think I’m one of the “good” fat people.

Now we come to the part people are not happy with. Some people know their bodies arent perfect, but they love them anyway. They feel powerful and sexy and absolutely gorgeous! If the person feeling this way is thin other people envy them. If they’re fat, though (gasp!), out comes a never-ending torrent of hatred. They’re deluded, lying to themselves, promoting obesity, disgusting, gross, a whale, and should be ashamed of themselves for themselves go so badly. Honestly, it goes on and on.

In my humble opinion, a fat person loving their body and feeling happy in it should not be a radical act, but it is!

photo of woman in yellow long sleeve shirt standing at the beach carrying wooden folding beach chair body insecurity can affect everyone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Everybody Can Experience Body Insecurity

In the first world, and the UK and USA in particular, there is an obsession with looks. All types of media show wall-to-wall images of thin people wherever you look. Even if you try to ignore those images, advertisements for beauty treatments, cosmetic surgery, weight loss products and even weight loss surgery are everywhere. They appear on social media, tv, the radio, billboards and even on the side and back of buses! You literally cannot go anywhere without being told you need to change.

Of course, the point of this is not to make us happier or make us better. I still wouldn’t agree with it, but I could live with it a little better if it were. No, it is a soulless attempt to pad the bottom line of corporations all over the world. Feel bloated? Try this smoothie cleanse! Feel your skin looks old? Try a chemical peel! You have fat anywhere on your body? Try these diet pills, this diet, this exercise regime, or this surgery, Have the body you always dreamed of! It is relentless. 

So, I understand the huge surge in body insecurity in our society, and yes, I will support anyone who feels it. Ok, that person might be a size two, but if they feel their skin isn’t perfect or their arms are out of proportion, they’re allowed to feel that way. I am not part of the rabid body positivity folks who insist standard-size people aren’t allowed to be insecure.

My sister hates her stomach. Truly hates it; it upsets her. She is a lot thinner than me, but I don’t feel irritated. I try to explain she looks great and is much more than a body. She has an artist’s eye, though, and hates that her belly is out of proportion. She’s said given a choice she’d choose to be a few sizes bigger if everything would be in proportion. I get that. 

To anyone experiencing body insecurity, please listen to the following:

  • It’s ok to feel this way
  • You are beautiful
  • Your body is fine just as it is
  • You are much, much more than just a body
  • You are AWESOME, so try to own it!

I genuinely believe all of these things about everyone. The world would be a far more wonderful place if everyone else believed it too.

close up shot of scrabble tiles
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

Everybody Can Love Their Body – There Is No Weight Requirement

If I left my article as is up to this point, I’d probably get a lot of support. Everyone always supports articles and pretty much anything to do with thin people. I’m not going to, though. So, I’m braced for my usual dose of nastiness and hate. 

The fact is thin people have body insecurities, but the flip side is that fat people can be completely secure about their bodies. They can love how they look. They feel happy, empowered, and sexy. They see no need to change or lose weight. They genuinely love themselves and their bodies as they are. Now that really pisses people off! 

I think there are a number of reasons for that. Bad reasons, but reasons nonetheless. Firstly, society tells us fat is bad. Literally everywhere!! We’re told we’re unhealthy, ugly, and unacceptable. It’s not true, but no one wants to believe that. Fatphobia has spread so far that even medical professionals believe it.

Secondly, by refusing to give in to society’s agenda and try to lose weight, everyone who has sees it as cheating the game. How dare we give up on weight loss when they’re working so hard! How dare we devalue their efforts by refusing to play the game! It’s not right.

Finally, I think there is inherent jealousy towards anyone who loves their body as so many people can’t do it. The fact a fat person finds the holy grail is even more galling.

Can We All Give Each Other A Break?

Body insecurity is real, and I beg you to accept it in others regardless of their size or yours. Hopefully, that will be easy for you. Now the hard part. I would also love you to accept body liberation and self-love in others regardless of size. Learn to reject the BS that so many corporations peddle to pad their bottom line. Learn that bodies are meant to come in different shapes and sizes and that we all have an inherent beauty if you try to see it.

I want to spread body liberation, self-love and compassion all over the world. Who’s with me?