sliced strawberries banana and blackberries
Mental Health / Nutrition

10 Foods That Fight Depression And One To Avoid

I’ve made no secret of my struggles with my mental health, particularly depression. I am also a passionate supporter of body liberation and have pledged to give up dieting forever and love my body exactly as it is. So, it might seem strange that I’m recommending certain foods that fight depression when I always promote eating what you feel your body wants.

You’re right, up to a point. I am a huge supporter of learning to listen to our bodies. HOWEVER, in the centuries before we developed pharmaceuticals, healers used nature as their pharmacy, and nature is the source of many ingredients in pharmaceuticals today. That’s why I believe that food can be used as a form of treatment for certain conditions. For example, if you’re anaemic, red meat and leafy greens are a great way of boosting iron.

PLEASE NOTE! I am not a doctor, and I am not qualified to provide medical advice. If you believe you may be depressed, please consult a medical professional. This article is purely intended to suggest a way to supplement treatment, not replace it.

Foods That Fight Depression 

1) Carrots. They’re not just good for helping you see in the dark! Carrots are packed full of beta-carotene, an antioxidant. Scientific studies found that people with higher carotenoid antioxidant levels in their bodies were less likely to be depressed.

Carrots are one of the best sources, but other yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables have it too. Pumpkins, peaches and sweet potatoes are good choices too.

2) Berries. Another great source of antioxidants, so it’s a good excuse to add some mixed berries to your cereals, whip up a fruit salad, or have a berry crumble for dessert.

Another bonus is that berries are rich in vitamin C, which helps reduce stress.

3) Leafy Greens. Leafy greens are full of vitamin B9, also called folate. Folate plays a key role in keeping your cells healthy and low levels of folate can lead to insomnia, irritability, anxiety and depression. So if you’re starting to feel anxious or a little down, load up on the spinach, kale and spring greens. If you’re not a leaf fan, then asparagus, Brussels sprouts and lentils have some too.

Foods that fight depression
Photo by Engin Akyurt on

4) Turkey. As it’s almost Christmas, let’s throw in traditionally festive food. Turkey contains the brain chemical tryptophan, which your brain uses to create serotonin. Serotonin plays a key role in regulating your mood, so boosting production will help you feel upbeat.

5) Salmon. Salmon, and other oily fish like mackerel and tuna, are high in Omega 3. These fatty acids are a critical part of the brain’s ability to function. Studies are ongoing to determine if eating oily fish three times a week can prevent the onset of dementia. Low levels of omega 3 can play a role in depression, so head for the fish aisle. 

If you can’t commit to eating fish three times per week, and in fact, even if you do, Omega 3 is one of the few supplements all doctors recommend you take. 

6) Shellfish – Especially Mussels and Clams. Some people seem to really hate shellfish, but I love it! The good part of clams and mussels is vitamin B12. People who eat these foods regularly appear to experience lower levels of depression, and as an extra bonus, they also protect your nerve and blood cells.

7) Nuts – Especially Walnuts and Brazil Nuts. Walnuts have higher antioxidant levels than every other member of the nut family. As a double whammy, they also have a lot of omega 3 to protect your brain and your mood. It’s one of the best foods that fight depression.

Brazil nuts contain Selenium which also boosts brain health and improves mood. A study found a strong link between selenium levels and depressions.

variety of brown nuts on brown wooden panel high angle photo
Photo by Marta Branco on

8) Dark Chocolate. Yes! Chocolate does make us feel better; I knew it! It contains even higher levels of antioxidants than the super fruit blueberry does. Australian researchers ran a 30-day trial into its effects and found that eating some every day during this period boosted the mood of participants. I’ll admit it, of all the foods that fight depression, this is my favourite 🙂

9) Milk. Vitamin D is a key component in a positive mood. The best source is lots of sunlight, but that’s not always possible, especially in the UK. Milk is a great way of supplementing your intake. It also contains calcium for improved bone and tooth health.

10) Fermented Foods. Scientists believe our gut and our brain are much more closely linked than we ever thought. Poor gut health can lead to low moods and anxiety. Fermented foods such as kimchi, kefir and sauerkraut promote good bacteria and improve gut health. 

Foods To Fight Depression – One To Avoid

Alcohol. If you’re feeling depressed or anxious, it can be tempting to have a drink or two to mellow out. However, alcohol is a depressant and will make you feel worse over time. If you’re on antidepressants, alcohol can also reduce their effectiveness. I’m not saying you need to give up drinking altogether, but for your mental health, you should definitely make it an occasional event.

Seek Help When You Need It

All of these foods will help you fight depression, but as I explained above, they aren’t a substitute for proper medical treatment. If you feel like you might be depressed, please go and see your doctor. Once you’ve spoken to them, gotten a diagnosis and treatment plan, hopefully including these foods in your diet will help. Do you have a depression buster you swear by? Leave it in the comments 🙂