Enhanced Color Mercury Map

Don’t Be A Fool About Mercury Retrograde – Today Is A Powerful Day

Hi Musers, please accept my apologies for posting a day late. This was for two reasons; firstly I had a very rough day emotionally yesterday. It involved a big argument with my husband and then lying in bed crying a lot. Secondly, today is a hell of a day so I wanted to post on the day to talk about it.

Why is today a powerful day? Thank you for asking! Today is April Fool’s Day, Easter Sunday, the first day of the month and the first day of Mercury retrograde. For those of you who find the movement of planets a bit woo-woo please accept my apologies. However, in the spirituality world, we all dread retrogrades and Mercury retrograde in particular.

What Is A Retrograde?

As we look into the night sky, we (or rather astrologers and astronomers) can watch the other planets in our solar system as they orbit the sun. A retrograde is when a planet appears to us to move backwards. Now, naturally, no planet actually moves backwards in its orbit. I’m not a scientist but I’m pretty sure that’s impossible! It just appears so from our perspective. It is really interesting though as it makes you think about what percentage of things we believe to be true in our lives is coloured or changed by our perspective 🤔

Mercury Retrograde And Why It Sucks

I’m sure you learned in school that there are nine planets in our solar system. I know Pluto was downgraded but I do not accept that. Pluto will always be a planet to me. Now all of these planets, besides earth because obviously that’s where we’re watching from, can go into retrograde. Often multiple planets go into retrograde together which is a fun time. The problem is that when they do, sh*t tends to go awry in whichever element of our lives that planet affects.

Mercury was named after the Greek god and he wore a lot of hats. According to Wikipedia, “He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld and the “messenger of the gods”.” It is the communication part we are interested in.

During Mercury retrograde our communication with others can tend to go seriously off track. There are frequent increases in arguments, problems with contracts and difficulties both in saying what you mean and understanding others.

Let’s Add Fuel To The Fire

What makes matters worse, (as if we needed it) is that this particular retrograde comes in Aries season. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and all passion, impulse and jumping in without considering the consequences. The two together are an unfortunate combination. There’s a good chance that of you take that leap of faith it could go wrong, especially if it involves communication, finances, etc.

Let’s Take Action

Let’s get real, there is nothing we can actually do to stop Mercury going into retrograde and if you believe it’ll have no effect then that’s great, you do you! However, I am a planner, I always need to have a plan A, B, C, D and even E for my life. So, when Mercury Retrograde rears it’s ugly head I like to think about whether I can make a plan or at least learn something from the experience.

I have three main tarot creators whose spreads I use, and today’s spread is one from the tarot planner created by Katherine at Owl and Bones tarot.

Mercury retrograde tarot spread by Owl and Bones Tarot
Image and spread courtesy of Owl and Bones Tarot

I thought carefully about the deck to use and went with the Creatures Tarot by Sara Kathleen. Firstly, it’s one of my favourites. Secondly, it’s got a darker colour palette which I feel works here. Finally, the creatures in this deck are incredibly simply yet the message they convey is powerful, perfect for retrograde planning.

My Cards

Rethink – The Sun. Not the best news! I might feel like the battle has been won, my hard work has paid off and my authentic self is beginning to emerge. Sadly, that was just round 1. I have a lot more work to do before I can claim victory and move on to my full evolution in the Judgement card.

Redo – Eight of Wands. I’ve been moving at a good clip, but has it been in the right direction? Is what I am doing right now going to help me achieve my goals? I need to stop, make sure I’m on track and then get the momentum train moving again.

Reconnect – Five of Pentacles. A couple of things here. Firstly, I need to stop wallowing and feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to look up! The help I need is there for me if i just ask for it. Secondly, no more connecting with the scarcity mindset. I have a ton of blessings in my life and it’s time to reconnect with abundance.

Re-evaluate – Page of Swords. The page is always thinking a mile a minute. New ideas, new plans, new ways of thinking. Mercury retrograde is not necessarily the time for this, especially when I’m already feeling burnt out. It’s a good time to re-evaluate where I am in my life against where I want to be and then make sure that my plans and ideas support that goal, and also ensure I’m not taking on too much.

Photo courtesy of author – The Creatures Tarot by Sara Kathleen

Think Before You Speak

Mercury retrograde is always rough but you’ll get through it just as you have before. From now til the 25th, please just take an extra few seconds to think before you speak. Are you saying what you mean to? Are you definitely understanding what the other person is trying to say? Might you be overreacting or getting it wrong. These extra few seconds and these questions might hopefully make these next three weeks run a little more smoothly.

As always, if you have any thoughts on my spread or want to tell your own tales of Mercury retrograde please pop them in the comments. Be back soon xx