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Mental Health

You Are Important So Practice Self-Care Every Day

Life is busy. We all try to do too much, don’t get enough sleep, and high stress levels are common. It’s Easter weekend, and many of us have extra time off work. We should all take the extra time to practice self-care and slow down. Formula 1 cars run at high speed all the time, and look at how often they break!

I saw a great quote on Nerd Fitness: “If I don’t have time for a 10-minute walk, I probably need a 20-minute walk.” You might feel that life is non-stop and there’s no room for self-care. You might even feel that if you practice self-care, you’re being selfish. You’re taking time away from your family, partner, workplace and friends who all need you.

This thinking is wrong! If the people in your life truly care about you, they want you to look after yourself. Even your workplace wants to get the best out of you, and if you burn out, you may need to take time off sick or be less effective. Self-care doesn’t need to take large chunks of time. You can practice self-care in 5-minute blocks if you need to. You just need to find out what replenishes your physical, mental, and emotional reserves most effectively and build it into your day.

Signs You Need To Practice Self-Care More Often

  1. You’re always tired. Constant exhaustion could be a sign of illness, but often it’s a sign you’re not getting enough sleep and are trying to pack in too much. 
  2. You feel emotional. If you feel like screaming at a server for getting your order wrong, or you burst into tears because you forgot to pick up bread at the supermarket, it’s a sign you need to look after yourself better.
  3. Your eating habits change. It should be a red flag if you suddenly have no appetite or are craving high-sugar and high-fat foods. A sign that your body is not getting what it needs.
  4. You suffer from brain fog. If you find it’s taking you twice as long as usual to complete tasks or that deciding what to have for dinner is an impossible choice, then you need to unwind, get some rest and practice self-care.
  5. You keep getting ill. If headaches, colds and general aches and pains are a regular part of your life, you can be sure your body is struggling to cope with your current pace. It’s time to slow down and take care of yourself.
Signs you need to practice self-care
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Self Care Activities

This is not an exhaustive list, of course. What works for you may be different to what works for me. This list is meant to get you started; build your own, and work out how to fit it into your life. Just make sure you do something every single day.

  1. SLEEP! Aim to get a minimum of 7 hours every night. If you’ve been running low on sleep, consider taking a power nap for 10-20 minutes in the middle of the day.
  2. Look after your skin. I wrote a whole article about how skincare can be self-care. You’ll look fresher and younger, and a skincare routine can act as a meditation to help you relax.
  3. Do nothing. I don’t mean do nothing to look after yourself and change your routine. I mean take time to just do nothing. Sit on the couch or lie on your bed and enjoy sitting quietly. Take five minutes and bask in the quiet. Try to still your mind and disconnect from everything. This takes work to achieve; I’m still not good at it. It’s a work in progress.
  4. Get a massage. There are many types, Indian head massage, hot stone, aromatherapy, and sports massage. Depending on how your body feels, pick the one that will relax you and help your body feel refreshed.
  5. Get some exercise. If you’re feeling exhausted, try to get more sleep for a few days first. Once you’re less tired, pick a form of exercise you enjoy. Take a relaxing swim, go for a hike, take a stroll around your neighbourhood, attend a dance class or play a round of golf. Exercise removes the stress hormone cortisol and boosts feel-good endorphins. 
  6. Have sex. Libido is often the first thing to go when you’re run down. Try to reconnect with your partner. Sex is a fantastic way to relax, feel closer to your love, and release a ton of endorphins during orgasm. If you’re single at the moment, then take some alone time. Use a toy if that’s your thing.
  7. Try to eat nutritious food. If you only have the energy for a takeaway, try to choose one with lots of vegetables and a good source of protein. When you’re feeling better, batch cook and freeze nourishing meals so that when you’re tired in future, you’ve got something ready to go.
  8. Play with your pets. Stroking animals releases oxytocin, the hormone mothers release when hugging their children. Animals have been introduced to old people’s homes because of the positive effect it has on residents’ well-being.


Looking after yourself is an essential part of life, not something you should only fit in when you have time. Taking care of yourself allows you to be in better shape to positively impact everyone else in your life. So, make a plan to practice self-care regularly before your body forces you to take a much longer rest.