scrabble tiles spelling love not hate

I Love You Even If You Hate Me, or Choose Love Not Hate

Another unusual post is coming your way, but I feel that considering the level of hatred in the world, love is an important message. The message to choose love not hate is crucial. On any given day, the newspapers and social media are flooded with stories of hate, and it breaks my heart.

It’s Not Love; Hatred Is All Around

We have: 

It’s hideous, and it makes me so sad. We have never had access to so much information at any point in history. It has never been so easy to connect with people around the world and learn about their views, customs and way of life. 

But instead of approaching others with open minds and hearts, it seems many use these differences as an excuse to spew the vilest hatred and become more insular, xenophobic and me, me, me. Instead of looking at the many ways we are the same and building bridges, they choose to focus on the differences, real and imagined, and use them as an excuse to build walls. 

Here’s one of the best images I’ve ever seen describing how this hatred starts.

Comic showing how a flag can divide people. Choose love not hate
Image Courtesy Of Extra Fabulous Comics

The Others

People who are prejudiced and bigoted imbue people with an “other” quality; they become “them” or “those people.” I am sad and a little ashamed to admit this goes on in my own family, although my sister and I fight passionately against it. Sometimes we have to stop as the arguments get pretty heated. I suspect we’ll never actually win, some members of my family have very deep-seated bitterness. It makes choose love not hate a hard message to get across but we will keep trying.

Over the last couple of years, more than 6.75 million people have died from covid-19. The recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria has already claimed the lives of more than 20,000. Nature causes more than enough destruction and pain; why on earth are we choosing to add to it!?!

Flip The Script

I’m not vain enough to believe I can make a massive difference with this problem but we have to start somewhere. So, in the words of the late, great Michael Jackson, I’m starting with the (wo)man in the mirror. From this point on, I choose to send love out into the world. I choose love not hate. I will try to love all of humanity, even if I dislike some of them and their beliefs.

This will be easy with certain people. I’ve seen lovely images of people at pride events offering “mom” or “dad” hugs to people who have been ostracised by their own families. That’s beautiful, and I would happily hug any gay person and tell them how perfect they are. 

I am not a racist. I’m still learning slowly about how to be an ally to people of colour. I would be delighted to march with people of colour, defend their rights, be their friend and so on. WE ARE ALL JUST PEOPLE; COLOUR SHOULD NOT MATTER!

I have zero qualms about sharing a changing room, sauna or public bathroom with a trans woman. They are women, the same as me, so they absolutely should be there.

Fatties Welcome

As discussed at length in this blog, fatphobia is one of the last openly accepted prejudices in society. I fight it in this blog and on social media. I refuse to be quiet and hide away, ashamed to be seen. I put myself out there and will not wear black or apologise for taking up space. I love me, and to hell with anyone who has a problem with me.

If you are fat, please believe it’s ok to love yourself. You are not a bad person, and you deserve love, happiness and health the same as anyone else. Sending you virtual hugs. Remember, the concept of choose love not hate starts with loving yourself!

Keep It Going

I think that if we can start to spread a little more love in the world, if we choose love not hate, we will be staggered by how much the world will improve. We need to root out and challenge prejudice where ever we find it; at work, with friends, with our families, and even in ourselves. 

Regardless of what colour, race, gender, sexuality, size, or religion a person is, THEY ARE A PERSON. At their core, they are the same as you and I. So please, instead of looking for ways to separate yourself, look for ways to bring everyone together and make this world a better place for everyone.