crop soothsayer with talisman and tarot cards predicting fate
Self Care / Tarot

Time For A Change Now – A 3 Card Spirit Spread

Hi Musers, I hope you’re having a great week. As I’ve decided it’s time for a change, it’s fitting that I’m going to start this post with a confession. When I returned to this blog deciding to take it on a tarot tangent, I was determined to methodically work my way through Tarot For Self Care by Minerva Siegel week by week. When I got the Tarot Spreads Yearbook at Christmas I was determined to work through that a spread a week too. Needless to say it hasn’t happened. I’ve found spreads from other sources that really resonated with me that I wanted to share with you instead.

Similarly, I am loving my Tarot Spreads Yearbook but I am not feeling the Growth section at the moment. I’ve been candid about how hard my life has been lately and I feel like I’m fighting desperately just to stay in place, growth simply isn’t possible. Of course, it’s likely these difficulties will cause me to grow, but it’s not a deliberate act and it’s almost certainly something I won’t be able to see til I’m past it.

Time For A Change ?

For that reason, I leafed through the book and landed on the Change section. I know things in my life need to change, I’ve known it for a while. I’ve struggled with the what and even more with the how. That’s why I felt drawn in by this section in the book. I have been consciously working on my spirituality so now that I’ve decided it’s time for a change the spirit spread is the first one I’m going to share with you.

Time for a change tarot spread with Freecloud’s Bunnies tarot
Photo courtesy of author – Freecloud Starry Bunnies Tarot

It’s a simple 3 card spread, which is my favourite kind, but asks some key questions.

  1. A change that is happening in my spiritual life – Ten of Wands. Oh you have no idea how often this card appears for me! It’s a sign of taking on too much, being overburdened. I think this is true in two ways. The first is that I have many things to do in life. My full time job, my part time job, supporting Mike, chores, my blog, etc.  It’s impacting my time and energy to work on my spirituality. On the other hand one of my biggest faults is that I can be flighty in my interests. I am easily distracted by the next shiny thing. So for example, since I started learning tarot I have found myself being pulled into oracle card reading, pendulum divination, astrology and Kabbala. I become a jack of all trades and a master of none. So what does all this mean? I believe that in spite of all these burdens I have made progress and I’m coming to the end of the current phase I am in. I need to be prepared though as the next stage may not be any easier but it’s worth it.
  2. How this change challenges me – The Star Reversed. My energy reserves are pretty much zero and I have moments of feeing utterly hopeless lately. It will be a challenge to push through to the next level of my spirituality and study. I think self care is going to be absolutely key to getting me through. For that reason, I have downloaded the Habit Tracker app and have set myself daily challenges to improve my self care. I once read advice that I needed to make these challenges so small that it’s easier to do them than not do them. I set myself five which are:
  • Take 4 deep breaths 3 times a day
  • Drink my full water bottle twice a day (2l total
  • Eat three portions of vegetables
  • Go for a 5 minute walk
  • Turn the light out and go to sleep at 11:30 pm

I’ve only been doing it for 3 days but so far so good!

  1. How this change benefits me – Page of Wands. Check out how the page is staring off into the distance, like he’s looking towards the future. I believe this change will allow me to move forward, to become my authentic self and reach a place where I feel happy and fulfilled. Notice he’s not actually moving though? He’s still planning and I think this change will be slow enough to give me time to map everything out. So basically, it’s time for a change but not just yet!

What’s Your Plan?

I hope you enjoyed my time for a change spread, and as always feel free to take away anything in my reading that resonated with you. If you have your own interpretations or your own comments about change please feel free to pop them in the comments. Please take care of yourselves til next time xx