pink stone on a person s hand
Mental Health / Tarot

I’m Back With A Fun New Angle, Who’s Up For A Tarot Trek?

Hello my Musers. It’s been a loooong nine months since I lasted posted and although I haven’t been posting here it doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing the work. As well as a new full-time job I’ve taken on a part time one. I’ve also had an assessment for long-term psychotherapy and now I’m on a waitlist. It was emotionally draining even though it was only 4 sessions. I am however extremely grateful it’s offered on the NHS because paying privately for therapy is extremely expensive and many people who need help simply don’t have the means. That’s a topic for another day though. We’re here to talk about tarot.

Paganism Anyone?

In one of my former posts I discussed the Human Givens approach to curing depression. You can read more about it here but in essence the approach states that human beings are born with certain physical, mental and emotional needs and that a lack of any of these needs leads to depression. I did an inventory of my life against these needs and discovered that one main area where I was lacking was a connection to something bigger. Any of the mainstream religions were out for me due to their tendency towards discrimination of all kinds. Seriously, don’t even get me started! So, I did some research and for a year or so I’ve been practicing paganism.

Enter The Tarot…

assorted tarot cards on table
Photo by Alina Vilchenko on

Is a vast topic with literally hundreds of different paths and topic for study. One of the first ones I was drawn to was tarot. I explored tarot in the past, but this time I have found myself completely fascinated by it. Although some people do use it as a fortune telling tool, I use it as a way to connect with my subconscious and delve into what my intuition is telling me. If you’ve never tried them and are curious, trust me, tarot cards are a fabulous tool for self-exploration and mental health.

I have admittedly become a little tarot obsessed and in a year have bought 15 tarot decks and 16 oracle decks. I didn’t realise there was such a huge variety of artwork, meanings, sizes and themes. I indulged my inner nerd with a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a Supernatural deck. My husband bought me a completely gorgeous nature based deck. I’ve also bought decks based on Greek Mythology and one full of adorable little creatures.

I was surprised to discover different tarot decks call to me at different times for different purposes. I thought one deck would do but I was so wrong. I love that no matter where I am emotionally the tarot helps me get to the bottom of it, even if it gives me a kick up the butt and tells me to get over myself. Believe me, it happens! I truly love the way tarot allows me to explore the deepest parts of myself that I struggle to access at any other time as well as offering care and a big dose of truth.

What I Want To Do In Future Posts

I have started posted my readings on Instagram in case they help others and that’s what got me thinking about this blog. I love sharing the things I do that might help others. I got a book at Christmas called Tarot For Self Care. As this blog is focussed on mental health and self love I think that working my way through the book and posting each exercise could be helpful to you my dear readers. So, starting from Sunday, I’ll do a post from the book and share my reflections. If you read anything that resonates then that’s great! If you take another meaning from my cards, that’s wonderful too. Let me know in the comments and we can all learn together. I hope you stick with me on our new journey.

Love CMoo xx