crop soothsayer with talisman and tarot cards predicting fate

Tarot 101 – Amazing Tarot Creators You Need To Check Out

Hi Musers. As I explained last time my focus for this blog will change going forward. I’m going to work through Minerva Siegel’s book Tarot For Self Care and post my tarot spreads and reflections for each one. I hope it will be interesting both for people interested in learning to love and care for themselves more and also those with an interest in tarot. That’s what my new posts will be…

What My Tarot Themed Posts Will NOT Be

As I am still very early in my tarot journey, this blog will not teach you about what tarot is, how to use spreads and how to interpret their meanings. My reasoning is that there are so many immensely talented tarot creators out there that I follow. I have learned SO much from them and they can provide far better knowledge and guidance than i’ll be able to for a long time, if ever.

So for the first post before I begin actually posting my work I’m going to share my favourites with you. If you’re anything like me one creator will lead you to another creator and another til your YouTube and Instagram are full of them! I think this is fabulous as each creator has their own beliefs, perspectives and way of reading so you will always find a person, a spread, a deck, or a way of reading that resonates and makes sense to you.

Tarot Creators For Beginners

  1. Biddy Tarot. This website was created by Australian Brigit Esselmont and is a fantastic resource. She has a podcast with over 200 episodes covering all things tarot and often inviting experts in a particular area. There is also loads of free downloads available on the site and if you want to learn more, she also offers tarot courses.
  2. Lisa Papez. Lisa is one of my absolute favourites because I love her energy and warm, bubbly personality as much as the information she provides. She has a YouTube channel and posts deck reviews, her takes on new decks coming out, discussions on self worth and lots more. If you’re an absolutely beginner her free Tarot With Training Wheels course is a great place to start.
  3. Ethony. Ethony Dawn has written books, created decks, has a very informative YouTube channel and is freaking hilarious to boot!
woman sitting on a bed holding a card tarot creators to watch
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

Tarot Creators Who Do Great Deck Reviews

  1. Robyn’s Reflections. Robyn is in America and her reviews are relaxed and fun and she gives you a really good idea of what the deck is all about.
  2. Dark Fae Tarot. Great if you like suggestions for how you can pair decks and a really thorough review of each card
  3. Mystic Mand. This is an Irish creator. She’s fun, honest and makes entertaining reviews of decks and books as well as fun tarot hashtag challenges.
  4. Tarot Magpie. Tarot Magpie has a fun channel and she is based in England so you know if you see a deck there that it’s available in the UK. Often decks come out in America and Canada first and the cost to ship them here is extortionate! Tarot Magpie does deck reviews, book discussions, shows you her journals and joins in fun tarot challenges.
  5. Wicked Moonlight. Natasha does readings, deck flip through and full reviews. I find her energy really soothing.

Tarot Creators Who Are Artistic

  1. Dawn Michelle Tarot. If you’re interested in journaling then this is the channel for you! Her tarot journals are works of art! She also talks about topic like tarot burnout and how she practices tarot.
  2. Dani Mystic also does a lot of amazing journals and it’s great if you don’t know what to write.

Tarot Creators Focused on Spirituality/Psychology

  1. The Mystic In The Woods. I just did a three-hour shadow work and divinity master class with her and she was AMAZING! I literally came out of it an hour ago and still have lots to process. If you’re interested in the spiritual side of tarot, Kate is incredible.
  2. The Tarot Diagnosis. This is both an IG channel and a podcast run by two psychologists who use tarot in their practice. Some phenomenal insights and well worth looking at.

Great Instagram Tarot Creators

  1. Not So Mystical Tarot. Jenn is one of my favourite creators. She posts a new spread daily and I try to do them all. I get loads out of both my spread and the cards she pulls too.
  2. Owl and Bones Tarot. Katherine is another great resource for spreads and often does videos or challenges with Jenn. She has published a spread book too.
  3. Pip Cards Tarot. This is the page of Chelsey Pippin Mizzi and I got her wonderful book Tarot Spreads Yearbook for Christmas. Both the book and her page are great resources for personal growth and tarot knowledge.
  4. The Tarot Professor. Great info in her posts and the option to sign up for her mailing list for loads more.

This Is Not A Full List!

Needless to say this is not a full list of everyone I follow because if it were this article would be a mile long. I’m aiming for a good range of influencers so there’s something for everyone. If you have a creator you love please feel free to pop them in the comments. Take care til next time x